
The Honeymoon Killers
Aksak Maboul


La pochette de mon vinyl et l'insert

Discographie / Discography

The HoneyMoon Killers

International Discography of the New Wave
Volume 1982 / 83

Mes Matérialisés

1981The Honeymoon KillersLes Tueurs De La Lune De MielRiskantRiskant 4002LP,Album

Mes Autres

1979The Honeymoon KillersSpecial ManubreM25613
1982The Honeymoon KillersLes Tueurs de La Lune de MielM19219
1982The Honeymoon KillersRecommended Records SamplerM3201

Allées O Venues

The Honeymoon Killers

The Honeymoon Killers

2251982-04-25 Totentanz, Basel, Switzerland01
4+[RnF]+ Minimal Compact + hermine + allez allez nuits actuelles du rex paris + 28 + 291982-04-27 Nuits D Actuel Au Rex, Paris, France
61+[RnF]+ Minimal Compact1982-04-28 Nuits D Actuel Au Rex, Paris, France
62+[RnF]+ Minimal Compact1982-04-29 Nuits D Actuel Au Rex, Paris, France
5++Minimal Compact1982-05-10 Cité, Rennes, France
6AfficheA++Minimal Compact1982-05-13 Centre Culturel De La Belgique, Paris, France
2501982-05-28 Alabama Halle, München, Germany01
3001982-09-06 Onkel Pö, Hamburg, Germany01
3501982-09-16 Schauberg Cinema, Bremen, Germany01
31982-11-13 John Peel Session, London, England01 / 02
7++Minimal Compact (ou 20)1982-12-10 Le Palace, Paris, France
8+[RnF]+ Minimal Compact + des airs + hermine1982-12-14 Transmusicales, Rennes, France
9+[RnF]+ Minimal Compact + des airs + hermine1982-12-15 Salle Des Fêtes Du Grand Parc, Bordeaux, France
10+[RnF]+ Minimal Compact + des airs + hermine1982-12-17 L Oreille Est Hardie, Poitiers, France
4001983-05-13 Erstes Wiener Töne Gegentöne Festival, Vienna, Austria01
21983-09-02 Totentanz, Basel, Switzerland01
271983-09-30 M A C (Villeneuve D Ascq), Lille, France?
67AfficheA1983-11-23 Batschkapp, Frankfurt, Germany
11983-11-24 Capitol, Mannheim, Germany01
681983-11-25 Arena, München, Germany
691983-11-26 Arena, München, Germany
701983-11-27 Bad, Hannover, Germany
711983-11-28 Loft, Berlin, Germany
721983-11-29 Fabrik, Hamburg, Germany
731983-11-30 Subway, Osnabruck, Germany
741983-12-01 Odeon, Münster, Germany
751983-12-02 Borse, Wuppertal, Germany
761983-12-03 Alte Mensa, Köln, Germany
631983-12-15 Centre Culturel De La Belgique, Paris, France
641983-12-16 Centre Culturel De La Belgique, Paris, France
651983-12-17 Centre Culturel De La Belgique, Paris, France
261984-04-04 Le Printemps De Bourges, Bourges, France
251984-09-27 Eldorado, Paris, France
24ticketT++Minimal Compact1984-12-25 Bekkan Hall, Kyoto, Japan


999M+1950 (Bruxelles, Belgium) / septembre 1989 (Ixelles, Belgium)1989-07Mort d Yvon Vromman Ixelles, Belgium39


(225/1) The Honeymoon Killers, 1982-04-25, Totentanz, Basel, Switzerland

Audio/flac, HungerCity/, (20120915)

The Honeymoon Killers
25 April 1982

Marc Hollander - keyboards
Jean Francois Jones Jacob - drums
Vincent Kenis - bass
Yvon Vromman - voice
Gerald Fenerberg - guitar
Véronique Vincent - voice

01 Introductin
02 Route Nationale 7
03 J4
04 Reveillons-Nous
05 Petit Matin
06 Decollage
07 Back To Australia
08 Histoire A Suire
09 Flat
10 Fonce A Mort
11 Such A Romantic Evening
12 Rush
13 Aboriginal Voices

14 Ariane
15 Laisse Tomber Les Filles

Original tape recording with Sony TCS-310 Walkman/intern microphone

Quality A-/B+

(250/1) The Honeymoon Killers, 1982-05-28, Alabama Halle, München, Germany

Video/DVD, Dime/?, (201102)

The Honeymoon Killers - Munich, Germany, Alabamahalle 28.05.1982
DVD PAL (ProShot) unedited full-length, not broadcasted gig of the BR III archives
(dedicated to apus_apus) !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: 1982-05-28 (28 May 1982)
City: Munich, (München), Germany
Venue: Alabamahalle

Video attributes:
Video compression mode: MPEG-2 (DxVA on)
TV system: 625/50 (PAL)
Aspect ratio: 4:3
Display mode: reserved
Source picture resolution: 720x576 (625/50)
Frame rate: 25.00
Source picture letterboxed: Not letterboxed
Bitrate: 5.00Mbps

Audio attributes:
Audio coding mode: Dolby Digital
Sampling rate: 48kHz
Audio application mode: Not Specified
Number of audio channels:2.0
Bitrate: 256 Kbps
Number of audio streams: 1

Yvon Vromman - voc, gt
Véronique Vincent - voc
Marc Hollander - kb
Jean-François Jones Jacob - dr, perc
Vincent Kenis - b, gt
Gérald Fenerberg - gt, b

01 (crowd & announcer)
02 Route Nationale 7
03 J4
04 Petit matin
05 Décollage
06 Back To Australia
07 Histoire à suivre
08 Flat
09 Fonce à mort
10 Jean-François Jones Jacob Birthday Intermission
11 L'Heure de la sortie
12 Rush

TRT: approx. 52 min


My father recorded the broadcasted version in 1982 on an old video2000 tape.
They only broadcasted 2 or 3 tracks.
This tape comes directly from a guy of the german tv BR III.
User apus_apus who owe this tape, seeded the audio only, becuse he wasn´t able to transfer the videotape on pc.
He was so very kind to send me the tape !!!!!
So, many many many thanks again for this great unedited gig, Stefan


Its more than a present for every HK fan.
The quality is excellent and the HK are great here.
I made artwork for it, which is including.
Please leave your comments......


(300/1) The Honeymoon Killers, 1982-09-06, Onkel Pö, Hamburg, Germany

Audio/flac, Dime/arcorman, (201102)

HONEYMOON KILLERS - Hamburg, Onkel Pö 06.09.82 FLAC

463 MB

72 min.
Quality : EXCELLENT ( F.M. )

1 .L´Heure De La Sortier
2 .Petit Matin ( kleiner Morgen )
3 .J4
4 .???
5 .Histoire A Suivre
6 .Flat
7 .??? ( " Social Romantic " or " Such A Romantic " )
8 .Back To Australia
9 .Decollage
10.Route National 7
12.Fonce A Mort
13.Rush II
14.Laisse Tomber Les Filles

This is a fantastic band from belgium, who had their big time ( in germany ) from 1982 - 1983.
I don´t know what happened with the band after 1983. They released only one record ( in french ) and a 12" with some songs from the LP ( in english ).
This was one of my first tapes ever. I recorded it in 1982 or 83 from the german broadcast.
And it´s one of my favourite concerts ever !!!!!! ( someday I will take the cd to a lonely island with me !!!)

So let´s enjoy & share a great french - singing - new wave - band from the 80´s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



01.L'heure De La Sortie
02.Petit Matin ( kleiner Morgen )
04.Réveillons nous
05.Histoire A Suivre
07.Such A Romantic evening
08.Back To Australia
10.Route National 7
12.Fonce A Mort
13.Rush II
14.Laisse Tomber Les Filles

(350/1) The Honeymoon Killers, 1982-09-16, Schauberg Cinema, Bremen, Germany

Audio/mp3, Dime/?, (201102)

Performer: Aksak Maboul & Honeymoon Killers
Album: Live at Schauberg Cinema, Bremen
Year: 1982-09-16
Label: bootleg, FM recording
Genre: avant-garde / rio / expiremental
Quality: mp3, CBR 320, stereo
Size: 98 + 88 mb

01. Petit Matin
02. J4
03. Reveillons-Nous
04. Histoire A Suivre
05. Flat
06. Such A Romantic Evening
07. Back To Australia
08. Decollage
09. Route National 7
10. Rush / Fonce A Mort
11. Rush II
12. applause & band introduction)
13. Ariane
14. Laisse Tomber Les Filles
15. bird calls & applause
16. encore 2 unknown
17. encore 3 unknown

Marc Hollander — keyboards
Vincent Kenis — accordion, guitar, bass guitar
Véronique Vincent — voice
Jean-François Jones Jacob — drums
Gérald Fenerberg — guitar
Yvon Vromman — guitar, vocals

(3/1) The Honeymoon Killers, 1982-11-13, John Peel Session, London, England

Audio/flac, ?/?, (?)

This is a reseed for akmuso! Thanks to the original seeder! I created a new info file, otherwise the files are unchanged.

Original info:

---------- ******
HONEYMOON KILLERS - John Peel Session xx-May-1983 (FM) FLAC

Tape>CDwave>WAVE>FlacFrontend Level 8>FLAC>TORRENT

127 MB

ca. 20 min. / Qual. : 9 ( mono )

1. Fonce A Mort
2. Such A Romantic Evening
3. Reveillons-Nous
4. Wait And See ( Histoire A Suivre )

Found this one on the backside of an old B-52s tape.

SHARE AND ENJOY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
---------- ********
Additional info, taken fro the comments to the last seed, if I remember correctly:


13/11/1982 - The Honeymoon Killers
TX - 24/11/1982

Producer - Dale Griffin
Engineer - Mike Robinson
Studio - Unknown
Fonce A Mort
Histoire A Suivre
Romantic Evening

Marc Hollander (Keyboards)
Jean Francois Jones (Drums)
Yves Flon (Saxophone)
Vincent Kenis (Bass)
Yvon Kromman (Vocals-Fonce A Mort, Romantic Evening, Guitar-Histoire A Suivre, Reveillons-Nous)
Veronique Vincent (Vocals-Histoire A Suivre, Reveillons-Nous)
Gerald Fenerberg (Guitar)

(3/2) The Honeymoon Killers, 1982-11-13, John Peel Session, London, England

Audio/mp3, BBC radio 6/BBC, (20130609)


The Honeymoon Killers
John Peel Session at BBC Maida Vale : 1982-11-13

- Romantic Evening
- Histoire A Suivre
- Fonce A Mort

(400/1) The Honeymoon Killers, 1983-05-13, Erstes Wiener Töne Gegentöne Festival, Vienna, Austria

Audio/flac, Dime/lonetaper, (201102)

a.k.a. 'Les Tueurs De La Lune De Miel'
- May 13, 1983 -
'Erstes Wiener "Töne - Gegentöne" Festival'
((szene)), Vienna, Austria

** analog FM, 1st generation, MWM 0192 **
>> BELGIAN BAND with the late YVON VROMMAN as mastermind -
! WEIRD STUFF ! PRETTY RARE ! << w/ samples

Another upload out of our small series "ALL HAIL TO THE FAMOUS VIENNA TAPERS":

Torrent #308109 DONOVAN - August 12, 1984 - Rennbahngelände Freudenau, Vienna, Austria
Torrent #308268 DONOVAN - June 20, 1981 - Folkmusic-Festival auf der Donauinsel, Vienna, Austria
Torrent #308444 ARLO GUTHRIE wsg. DONOVAN - June 20, 1981 - Folkmusic-Festival, Vienna, Austria
Torrent #308830 RICHARD & LINDA THOMPSON - June 21, 1981 - Folkmusic-Festival, Vienna, Austria
Torrent #309339 SNAKEFINGER a.k.a. Philip Charles Lithman & The Vestal Virgins - November 18, 1983
Torrent #310085 BIRTH CONTROL - December 18, 1982 - Arena, Vienna, Austria
Torrent #310222 TUXEDOMOON - April 08, 1984 - Arena, Vienna, Austria ** analog FM
Torrent #310363 LYDIA LUNCH & the IN LIMBO band - May 19, 1983 - ((szene)), Vienna, Austria
Torrent #310638 NEW ORDER - April 6, 1984 - Arena, Vienna, Austria ** analog FM
Got a few PM's wanting MORE AVANTGARDE.



---------- ===

Jerry Teel's "Honeymoon Killers" were the greatest disciples of the Cramps in New York.
They debuted with "From Mars" (1984), which exhibited an even more grotesque and amateurish version of Cramps-ian voodoobilly, but progressed to the orgiastic pow-wows of "Love American Style" (1985), which was even beyond the Cramps: rockabilly, blues, garage-rock, punk-rock, gothic hard-rock and acid-rock were packed into explosive units that created a visceral crescendo of suspense...


Fronted by the late Yvon Vromman, The Honeymoon Killers were a provocative band with a strong pop sensibility, the darlings of the music press all around Europe at the early 80ies (including in the UK, a rare feat for a French-singing act) and their delirious live shows gained them a strong following...


The Honeymoon Killers, a Brussels-based inventive French-speaking synth-pop group, initially is a group formed in 1977 around Yvon Vromman whose music style is "a massacre on all musical genres". It is a chaotic, aggressive, funny band, with a lineup that changes almost every week.

In 1980, the group joins forces with "Aqsak maboul". This is run by Marc Hollander, who is in charge of the independent record company Crammed Disks in Brussels. Aqsak Maboul, only one of his thousand projects, is a very experimental group with Fred Frith an Chris Cutler.

The result of this merger from the artists bio at Crammed Disks:
"A bit later, they're joined by a female singer (Véronique Vincent), and they record a new album in 1981 in Zürich, Brussels and London. The style of the Killers has changed: Yvon Vromman is now described as a cross between Jacques Brel and James White... The album, entitled "Les Tueurs de la Lune de Miel" (the French title of the album being the band's English name, and vice-versa), consists of 7 songs penned by Vromman, and 3 covers of famous French tunes, including Charles Trenet's "Route Nationale 7", which quickly becomes a radio & TV hit single in France and Belgium. But the Honeymoon Killers' impact is even bigger in Germany and in the UK, where the album - although entirely sung in "foreign" - gets rave reviews in the press, and the band is featured on the cover of the NME. The Killers start touring all over Europe. In 1983 America and Japan are becoming very interested in the band, the next album holds many promises, but it's too late: proverbial "musical differences" have appeared , and the band (who have undoubtedly been forerunners in many aspects) split in the beginning of 85, right after their first Japanese tour".
Yvon Vromman died in 1989.


That's what he wrote on one of his torrents:

This is a fantastic band from Belgium, who had their big time (in Germany) from 1982 - 1983. I don´t know what happened with the band after 1983. They released only one record (in French) and a 12" with some songs from the LP (in English). ...someday I will take the CD (of their 1982 Hamburg FM show) to a lonely island with me !!!
So let´s enjoy & share a great french - singing - new wave - band from the 80´s !!
The other thing is: Every unknown HK tape is a must-have-tape !!

Andree, please enjoy this little piece of hot shit here...

About the 'Erstes Wiener "Töne - Gegentöne" Festival':

"Höre mit Schmerzen!" 1982, als die Einstürzenden Neubauten das forderten, schrieb der junge New Yorker Avantgardist Glenn Branca die zweite seiner neun Symphonien. Ein Jahr darauf war er in Wien
beim Festival "Töne und Gegentöne": ein Konzert, das wohl etliche Ohrenärzte aus den Anamnesen ihrer
Patienten kennen. Denn es war laut, sehr laut, so laut, dass sie wehtat, die "wall of noise", von
der viele bis heute schwärmen...

Edek Bartz führt seit langem verschiedenste Projekte durch. Mit Joachim Lieben wurde das Programm der Reihe "Stimmen der Welt" konzipiert. Des Weiteren folgte die Inszenierung und bühnentechnische Detailplanung der Tourneen Frank Zappas, der Rolling Stones oder Queen. Bartz übernahm die Regie und Logistik bei einer Reihe von Open-Air-Festivals in Europa, Japan und den USA, sowie von Jazz-Festivals in Österreich. Seit 1977 ist er regelmäßig für die Wiener Festwochen tätig. Gemeinsam mit Wolfgang Kos begründete er die im Zweijahresrhythmus abgehaltene Musikausstellung "Töne-Gegentöne".

In Edek Bartz hat die nun auch in Wien anbrechende Pop-Moderne einen ihrer agilsten Proponenten: Im Musikhaus in der Seilergasse nützt er sein Wissen aus dem Zürich-Aufenthalt, um Platten zu verkaufen, im legendären Voom Voom in der Laudongasse legt er sie auf, und für die Konzertagentur "Stimmen der Welt" holt er Leute wie Jimi Hendrix, die Stones, Led Zeppelin, Patti Smith nach Wien, tourt aber auch mit Peter Alexander und Wolfgang Ambros durch die Lande und betreut Falco während dessen Japan-Tournee.
In den Achtzigerjahren schließlich wird Bartz gemeinsam mit dem Radiojournalisten Wolfgang Kos Wien an das Hauptstromkabel der internationalen Avantgarde anschließen: Rund zehn Jahre lang liefert das Festival
Töne/Gegentöne mehr oder weniger harte Kost für offene Ohren aus allen Lagern: Alleine im ersten Jahr, 1983, treten unter anderen Glenn Branca, Gavin Bryars, Brian Eno, Arto Lindsay, Meredith Monk, Lydia Lunch, The Residents, Elliott Sharp und John Zorn auf.


About the concert:

Another extremely noisy concert from the 'Erstes Wiener "Töne - Gegentöne" Festival', which "happened" to happen from May 08 to May 20, 1983. An incredible lot, the "the creme de la creme" of all kinds and varieties of Avantgarde & Noise Rock bands performed there...LOUD & UNSETTLING !

After a first survey to this recording here i was extremly upset and immediately contacted the trader. Could not believe that this "shitty recording" was a FIRST GEN. FM-TAPE. Please listen to the clearly audible amount of HISS throughout (even for the old & deaf ones...)!

The story i got back was so far & completely whacked-out, but convincing after i heard excerpts of his audience-recording of the very same night: As a part of the "Honeymoon Killers" performance they deceided to use a special "wall of noise" -> a tape FULL OF HISS was looped through the mixing desk and the PA-system to simulate...hmm, yes....A HISSY NOISE PERFORMANCE...it beggars belief !!!

So here is the analog "Ö3"-FM broadcast from this memorable night, with exactly the same amount of hiss (NO NoiseReduction used !)...

And if you still doubt, check the AWESOME NEW ORDER FM-broadcast from the same cassette:
Torrent #310638 NEW ORDER - April 6, 1984 - Arena, Vienna, Austria ** analog FM

From an old tape trade, with all the remaining infos after >27 years provided...

No further story to tell, except it was another trade with "RG"
(famous for, inter alia, his Jimi Hendrix recordings...) and
his great group of nice and truly friendy maniacs...read more
about the "New Advanced Vienna Taper Section" here:

EIRE APPARENT - January 22, 1969 - Grosser Saal, Konzerthaus, Vienna, Austria



"IT'S A MUST HAVE !"...yes, i know, i do this all the time... ;-)

HONEYMOON KILLERS (the artist's name in English)
'Les Tueurs De La Lune De Miel' (the artist's name in French)

'Erstes Wiener "Töne - Gegentöne" Festival' (the motto of the Festival)

((szene)) (the venue)
Vienna (the city)
Austria (the country)

May 13, 1983 (the date)

Vienna (German: Wien; Austro-Bavarian: Wean) is the capital of the Republic of Austria and one of the nine states of Austria. Vienna is Austria's primary city, with a population of about 1.7 million (2.3 million within the metropolitan area, more than 25% of Austria's population), and is by far the largest city in Austria, as well as its cultural, economic, and political centre. It is the 10th largest city by population in the European Union. Vienna is host to many major international organizations such as the United Nations and OPEC. Vienna lies in the east of Austria and is close to the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.


as far as we know NONE of this torrent was used commercially...

the complete broadcast we've got, back then:
---------- ---------- ---------- ==

All songs written by Yvon Vromman unless otherwise specified...


Their songs go from 20 seconds to 20 minutes, the lyrics (if there are any...)
are outrageous cloudy, and even their cover-songs are bare every vague similarity.

As i am NO specialist in Honeymoon Killers' music, too lazy, too frustrated, and sadly
completely brainless - left the school after just 4 years Volksschule, the (possible)
remaining parts of my brain had been severely damaged by long years of heavy headbanging.

Thus having said, i'd like to get some real expert's help for the setlist...Andree ??


BIG BIG THANKS to fellow DIMEr sousmarin !! WE HAVE A SETLIST !!!


One of my other friends, better known for his music, once wrote a short & insufficient heeded novel, and he's right:
"It's all ONE song !!"
(Neil Percival Young, Canadian lyricist & heavy metal musician)

Therefore the track cuts are just guesses...
so i cutted the gig in 13 pieces - do you believe in bad luck?

01. introduction 1:20.00
02. guitar, drums & talk 2:09.26
03. tuning, talk & applause 1:25.43
04. Petit matin 3:55.49
05. J4 4:50.11
06. Histoire à suivre 6:55.17
07. Reveillons-nous 4:50.07
08. Chez les arborigènes 6:50.09
09. Route national 7 (Charles Trenet's song) 5:26.48
10. Flat 2:39.23 <- dedicated to Sigmund Freud
11. Fonce à mort 9:34.03
12. Laisse tomber les filles (Gainsbourg's song (France Gall)) 3:02.11
13. Je pleure tout le temps * 4:36.48

total running time: 57:34.70 minutes

the notes:

* -> short outro by "Ö3"FM-host, cuts out

the musicians:

Véronique Vincent - vocals
Yvon Vromman - vocals, guitars
Marc Hollander - keyboards
Gérald Fenerberg - guitars
Jean-François Jones Jacob - drums, percussion
Vincent Kenis - bass
no sax

Have no idea about the musicians playing bass & sax that night.
The band's original BASS player was Vincent Kenis, and i found a few
line-ups with Christian Genet...


BIG BIG THANKS to fellow DIMEr sousmarin
finishing the line-up for this show !! Riddle solved !!


Yvon introduces some of the band members throughout the show, but i was not able to hear the name of the saxophone-player in track #01...
Yves Flon played this instrument on their album, and Marc Hollander plays a big variety from clarinet over oboe to saxophone...


recorded by RG (or one of his friends), FM to analog tape

the recording:

Ö3"-FM-Broadcast (SBD & lots of AUD matrix) > unknown Recorder (without any NoiseReduction) > unknown cassette type

the snail mail trade (spring 1984...):

Cassette Master > Unknown Cassette Deck Transfer (NO HIGH SPEED DUBBING, NO DOLBY) > 1st gen. Cassette (BASF CR-S II 90 - chromdioxid super II, 1-7/8ips High Bias Type II, EQ 70us, 135 meter tape)

the transfer:

My 1st. generation tape > > Nakamichi Cassette Deck 1 (manual playback head azimuth aligned ! No NoiseReduction) >
> Analog Cable (coax) > Behringer SRC-2496 Ultramatch Pro (Ultra-high-resolution 24-Bit/96 kHz A/D & D/A and Sample Rate Converter & Dropouts-/Jitter Remover) >
> converted to 16 bit, SP 44,1 kHz > > Oehlbach Hyper Profi Opto Set (optical fibre, TOS-Link) >
> Terratec Aureon 7.1 PCI - Dolby Digital Live Soundcard with C-Media CMI8768 Soundprocessor Chip, digital S/P-DIF in >
> Motherboard with AMD Multicore Processor, Serial ATA Interface > CD Wave (recording) >
> Harddisc Western Digital with Thermaltake HD Cooler (EVER had a HardDisc burnout ??) >
> lonetaper's secret box of miracles # > CD Wave (tracking) > Traders Little Helper (SB aligned/level 6) > FLAC > DIME

# RAW FILES - so NO additional NoiseReduction or EQ'ing was used here, and none of those compressors, Sonic Maximizers or other psychoacoustic processors - just some of the broadcast-statics reduced , balanced the stereo channels (just a touch) and finally normalized.
this upload here comes directly from the "Men With Microphones" archives.
if you want to know more about, check the old uploads...lotta stuff to read !

And if there's some interest, maybe there is MORE TO COME...it just depends on YOUR demeanor, and lotta useful comments ;-)

Les Tueurs by Gilles Verlant

The main quality and the main problem of the Honeymoon Killers is that they saw everything in duplicate. It's a recurrent drama with Belgians in general and artists in particular: they are often seriously schizophrenic. Let's start with their name. The Honeymoon Killers, like Leonard Kastle's 1970 film about a couple of serial killers ? Or Les Tueurs de la Lune de Miel, with this amusing contrast between menacing (Tueurs) and comforting words (Miel) ? They can't decide, so they'll put both names on the cover and the public will have to sort it out for themselves. And then who's the leader, or at any rate, who gets photographed for the press ? Is it Yvon Vromman, who is unshaven and ugly with his big round nose, but makes you die laughing (actually he's the one who'll die, far too early), a real bundle of nerves, the kind of psychopath which blows up in your face as soon as something goes wrong ? Or is it the evanescent Véronique Vincent, an ex-model and journalist ? In 1982 the New Musical Express doesn't think twice: the girl will make the cover. You can imagine Yvon's face: after all, he's the one who started this band! In the end, this internal competition will undermine them and make them explode in mid-flight. But there was even more schizophreny in the Killers: they were clearly going in several musical directions at the same time. Raw energy stemming from punk and new wave on the one hand, and serious musical skills of some band members on the other. What united them is the desire to have laughs, to experiment, to subvert influences without giving a damn about what's in and what's out (and maybe that's why their songs haven't aged, which is a thing you can't say about that many albums recorded back in 1981 !). Hey guys, let's make provocative versions of songs by Sheila and France Gall (two French pop stars from the '60s) ! They were only slightly more respectful with Charles Trenet's classic "Route Nationale 7", which went on to become a radio hit in France, while the press went apeshit.
In reality, the Honeymoon Killers were a band from the 21st century which had unfortunately fallen into a spatio-temporal flaw. Today, all the things they were fighting for with their little fists tightly clenched (and their little tongues firmly screwed in their cheeks) have become totally obvious: being quirky and imaginative, not taking oneself too seriously, bravely mixing electro-and-pop-and-world-and-jazz etc. The Tueurs must absolutely reform.
Yvon, don't act stupid, come back, all is forgiven !

GV writes books and television programs.
He is the author of the definitive Serge Gainsbourg biography.

Voluptuous, tearing, stamping, petulant... Tension between Marc's persistent musicality and Yvons' demonic gibberish... Véronique a vapour in siren's clothing... The sparks are ritualistic and still hilarious. Damn the solemn ! A truly Nietzschean stand-up comic spirit is at work here ... Hats off to any band that can cover a Serge Gainsbourg song and still sound like Talking Heads-meet-Pinky & Perky... They are embarrassingly fashion-free... a vast charm of their own...
- NME, UK, 1982

Legendary and psychopathic Belgian band The Honeymoon Killers have given birth to a monster album.
A chaos of psychopathic dwarves, spiked with shrieks, scratched guitars, fairground organ and mongoloid percussion. Barked by a Killer with a sore throat or whispered by a suave nymph, their lyrics push the limits of organised insanity...
- Actuel, France, 1982

Somewhere between Maurice Chevalier and James Chance.... post-punk aesthetics, hammered rhythms, a rare mixture of sonic agression and discipline... Véronique Vincent sings like a deranged pop idol, smiles like Bardot but stays as cool as a refrigerator... as for Yvon Vromman, he’s the bogeyman of rock - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany, 1981

Original "Special Manubre" press release, 1977:

"Les Tueurs de la lune de miel" are a funny band. Or, at any rate, they think they're funny,
just like they think they make music.

There are three tall musicians (sic) and three middle-sized musicians among the "Tueurs de la lune de miel". Generally, short people are mean, ugly and smart as monkeys, and the tall ones are slender and foppish, but not very clever. With "les Tueurs", it's the opposite; unless it's the contrary.

The guitarist (Gerald!) has a horrible sound, everyone tells him so, but he thinks they're just teasing him. The difference between what he thinks he plays and what he really plays is embarrassing (in my opinion).

The bass player is so out of tune that, for a long time, people believed that he was one song ahead of the others. The drummer (Jean-François) is so deaf that they have to mime the pieces for him, which adds a dramatic dimension to the already abnormally unbearable stage presence of the "Tueurs"

The sax and the trumpet play in such an incontrollable and weird manner that each one of them thinks he plays what the other does, it's so appalling that one hesitates to dwell on this longer.

As for the guitarist-saxophonist-singer (!), Yvon, he's the wicked inspirer of the band. Without him, the "Tueurs" would have renounced their misdeeds, to the great relief of all honest belgian citizens.
without his evil influence, the other members of the band would never have gone down the slippery path of musical delinquence.

PLEASE support the artist - and buy all his available stuff...
Check out his websites on the net - THERE'S PLENTY TO FIND !


More brilliant recordings out of our collection:

Torrent #289937 RAY WYLIE HUBBARD wsg. Slaid Cleaves & Carrie Newcomer
Torrent #301765 5 CHINESE BROTHERS - the best kept American secret...
Torrent #303462 SIR DOUGLAS QUINTET - the greatest and most influential Tex-Mex group ever
Torrent #304658 RICHARD DOBSON & The State Of The Heart Band - goes BLUEGRASS with Susie Monick
Torrent #305240 TISH HINOJOSA & BAND - a Tejano treasure, definitely THE bilingual "QUEEN OF TEXAS"
Torrent #305465 JACKIE LEVEN & MICHAEL COSGRAVE - whacked-out stories & songs by Scottish CULT ARTIST
Torrent #306116 JO-EL SONNIER & The Shut Outs - the "King of the Bayou" w/ incredible All-Star band
Torrent #306440 RICHARD DOBSON & MARK 'SERGIO' WEBB - March 16, 2010 - elder statesman of Texas Alt.Country
Torrent #307284 TOWNES VAN ZANDT - November 12, 1996 - 16 Bit/44.1 KHz FULLY EDITED & PATCHED FILES !

And please check also all the other uploads...BUT as Leo said: BEWARE - LOTS OF TEXT TO READ !

please be friendly & polite to me, and i'll be the same to you...twice-pledged !


R.I.P. DENNIS LEE HOPPER - ride on, dear brother, you've always been our hero...

Dime allows alternative versions, I don't own the music, so I can't stop you, but the correct thing to do amongst tapers/editors is TO ASK FIRST...(C. by scdegraaf)


open traded, carefully stored over > 27 years and mastered by my dad Leo (all thanks go to him...),
transferred, & finally first time uploaded by pythonmonty on Dime, June 29, 2010. This is "MWM 00192"

(2/1) The Honeymoon Killers, 1983-09-02, Totentanz, Basel, Switzerland

Audio/flac, ?/?, (?)

The Honeymoon Kilers
Basel / CH
2 September 1983

Marc Hollander- keyboards
Vincent Kenis - accordion, guitar, bass guitar
Véronique Vincent - voice
Jean-François Jones Jacob - drums
Gérald Fenerberg - guitar
Yvon Vromman - guitar, vocals

101 tuning
102 Petit Matin
103 J4
104 Histoire A Suivre
105 Réveillons-Nous
106 Back To Australia
107 Route Nationale 7
108 Introduction
109 Flat

201 Fonce A Mort
202 Marc Hollander's technical problems
203 Rush
204 Ariane

total time: 95:58

quality: B -> A

recorded by nadir_53 with a Sony TCS-310 cassette walkman recorder
original cassette -> wav (terratec phono pre amp studio) -> track separation (nero)
--> flac (8)

this is a re-seed with new file names!

(1/1) The Honeymoon Killers, 1983-11-24, Capitol, Mannheim, Germany

Audio/flac, ?/?, (?)

HONEYMOON KILLERS - Mannheim, Germany, Capitol 24.11.83 (audience) FLAC

TAPE>CDwave>WAVE>FlacFrontend Level 8>FLAC>TORRENT

Quality : 8

10.Fonce A Mort
11.Histoire A Suivre
14.Back In Australia

I got this one in a trade in the middle 80´s.
It would be great, if someone knows the unknown titles !!!!!

SHARE & ENJOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aksak Maboul


Discographie / Discography

Aksak Maboul

Mes Matérialisés

2015Aksak Maboul, Marc HollanderOnze Danses Pour Combattre La MigraineCrammed Discscram 011 LPLP,Album,R
2018Aksak MaboulBefore And After Bandits (Documents 1977-1980, 2015)Crammed Discscram 002.1CD,Album,L
2018Aksak MaboulUn Peu De L Âme Des BanditsCrammed Discscram 002LPLP,Album,R

Mes Autres

1977Aksak MaboulOnze Danses Pour Combattre La MigraineM32021
1980Aksak MaboulUn Peu de l Âme des BanditsM2417
2017Aksak MaboulUn Peu de l A^me des BanditsF8949
2020Aksak MaboulFiguresM32022

Allées O Venues

Aksak Maboul

50AfficheA1979-04-26 Teatro Dell Elfo, Milano, Italy01
150AfficheA1980-04-20 Maison De La Culture Andre Malraux, Reims, France01 / 02
151AfficheA+RIO 801980-11-09 Salle De L Industrie, Maubeuge, France
51+[RnF]1981-01-09 Poitiers, France
52+[RnF]1981-01-10 Poitiers, France
53+[RnF]1981-01-13 Dole, France
54+[RnF]1981-01-15 Charleville, France
2001981-01-16 Rote Fabrik, Zürich, Switzerland01
55+[RnF]1981-01-17 Morteau, France
56+[RnF]1981-01-18 Neuchatel, Switzerland
57+[RnF]1981-01-21 Geneva, Switzerland
58+[RnF]1981-01-23 Livron, France
59+[RnF]1981-01-24 Mirabel Aux Baronnies, France
60+[RnF]1981-01-25 Mirabel Aux Baronnies, France


(50/1) Aksak Maboul, 1979-04-26, Teatro Dell Elfo, Milano, Italy

Audio/mp3, ?/?, (?)

Aqsak Maboul at the Rock in Opposition Festival 1979 April 26th.
This was originally a punkjazz seed over at STG, I believe. The
text file that came with it got corrupted on my system...

Eight tracks - anyone know the setlist?

1. New Piece #1
2. Cinema
3. Cinema (continued):
4. Cinema (continued and faded out, sadly)
5. Palmiers en Pots
6. I Viaggi Formano La Gioventu
7. New Piece #2
8. New Piece #3 (possibly a variation of a segment from
Fred Frith's long piece, played by Henry Cow
near the end of their existence.)

Not sure on the exact lineup, but this might be it --

Marc Hollander: keyboards, reeds, ?;
Fred Frith: guitars, ?;
Chris Cutler: drums, ?;
Frank Wuyts: piano;
Denis Van Hecke: electric cello;
Catherine Jauniaux: singing;
Michel Berckmans: bassoon, oboe

(150/1) Aksak Maboul, 1980-04-20, Maison De La Culture Andre Malraux, Reims, France

Audio/flac, Dime/?, (201102)

Aqsak Maboul
Musiques Nouvelles - Rock In Opposition
Reims Festival
Maison de la Culture Andre Malraux
April 20, 1980

THIS IS A FIXED VERSION OF THE TORRENT WHICH WAS RELEASED IN MONO. My apologies to all who downloaded the earlier version and thanks to all who provided information & help.

My tape says that this is an audience recording, about 75 minutes in duration, and that it's 2nd generation. I'm skeptical of this information; the presence of tape hiss suggests that my tape is farther from the source. The performance and the sound quality are quite nice nonetheless.

There is a cut between tracks 6 and 7 for a tape flip. The fade out/in is in my master tape. After the tape flip the volume on my tape is markedly different from the first side, so I've increased volume by 0.54db for the remainder of the show.

Track List:

Track 01 (unknown)
Track 02 (unknown)
Track 03 (unknown)
Track 04 (unknown)
Track 05 (unknown)
Track 06 (unknown)
Track 07 (unknown)
Track 08 (unknown)
Track 09 (unknown)
Track 10 (unknown)
Track 11 (unknown)
Track 12 (applause)
Track 13 (unknown)

I have completely re-recorded this from the source using a different computer & different software. The result is a different split and, I think, superior sound quality.

FM > tape (origin/generation unknown) > TotalRecorder 24/192,000 > SoundForge volume increased by 0.54db + bit depth conversion to 16/44,100 > dbAmp flac encoder (level 6)

Sound quality: A-/B+

NB 1: Most of my recordings were received as tape or cd-r trades. I can't vouch for the source or generation of any recording not made by me and marked as being copied from the "Master" (this is not one). Sound quality is a qualitative judgement.

NB 2: I am behind a firewall. Sorry...

(150/2) Aksak Maboul, 1980-04-20, Maison De La Culture Andre Malraux, Reims, France

Audio/flac, Dime/?, (201102)

Festival Musiques Nouvelles - Rock In Opposition
Aksak Maboul
Créteil, France - Maison de la culture Andrè Malraux
April 20, 1980

Marc Hollander, horgan, piano, clarinet, bass clarinet, sax, drum machine
??, elctric guitar
??, female vocal
??, drums
??, electric bass
??, alto sax
??, bass clarinett

lineage: MC second generaion > Denon MC DRW-850 > Sony DAT ZA5ES > Pioneer CDr PDR-05 > flac VU Audio Converter (level 8)
Sound: B+

trader: p.z
thanks trader: p.p

1) 3:36
2) 13:20
3) 15:17
4) 8:51
5) 5:15
6) 3:52

50' 13"


Erreur de localisation : Reims et non Créteil

(200/1) Aksak Maboul, 1981-01-16, Rote Fabrik, Zürich, Switzerland

Audio/flac, Dime/?, (201102)

Aksak Maboul
Rote Fabrick,Zurich
16, January 1981

---------- ----
Marc Hollander:keyboards,reeds,drum machine
Vincent Kennis:guitar,keyboards,percussions
Jean-François Jones Jacob III:drums
Gérald Fenerberg:guitar
Yvon Vromman – guitar, vocals
Véronique Vincent – vocals


01 AM (4.00)
02 AM (7.27)
03 AM (4.01)
04 AM (7.46)
05 AM (7.42)
06 AM (2.31)
07 AM (9.31)
08 AM (5.27)
09 AM (5.48)
10 AM (7.19)
11 AM (10.24)
12 AM (3.59)
13 AM (13.03)


CDR------>FLAC very good quality

This is the vesion Aksak Maboul+Les Tueurs de La Lune de Miel (Honeymoonkillers)

Usual Stuff:
---------- ------
Please ask before posting this anywhere
Don't transfer to MP3 or other Lossy media
For trading only
Don't sell or do anything else you shouldn't do with this stuff!
---------- ----


programmation RandF : 1981-01-16 Salle Rencontres, Nancy, France


Veronique Vincent et Aksak Maboul


Allées O Venues

Veronique Vincent et Aksak Maboul

112015-02-18 Les Ateliers De Claus, Brussels, Belgium
122015-02-19 Les Ateliers De Claus, Brussels, Belgium
132015-03-05 Water Moulin, Tournai, Belgium
142015-03-13 Iboat, Bordeaux, France
152015-03-15 Ubu, Rennes, France
162015-03-16 Divan Du Monde, Paris, France
172015-03-20 Stadtgarten, Köln, Germany
182015-03-21 Salon Des Amateurs, Düsseldorf, Germany
192015-03-22 Ubel Und Gefarhrlich, Hamburg, Germany
202015-03-23 Roter Salon, Berlin, Germany
212015-05-09 Botanique, Brussels, Belgium
222015-05-16 Centre De L Art Belgie, Hasselt, Belgium
282015-06-14 France Culture, Paris, France01
232015-06-25 Parc Du Cinquantenaire, Brussels, Belgium


(28/1) Veronique Vincent et Aksak Maboul, 2015-06-14, France Culture, Paris, France

Audio/mpeg, ?/?, (?)

France Culture
Chanson Boum !
par Hélène Hazéra

Véronique Vincent et Aksak Maboul
14.06.2015 - 23:00

Par Hélène Hazera. Réalisation : Patrick Molinier. Attachée de production : Claire Poinsignon.

Véronique Vincent & Aksak Maboul: Ex-Futur Album